Thursday, March 5, 2020

Biology the Dynamics of Life Online Biology Tutors Tutorpace

Biology the Dynamics of Life Online Biology Tutors Tutorpace Biology is the study of living organisms. These living organisms are capable of change with time because they are subjected to different environmental conditions. Biology help us to control various diseases caused due to insanitary environmental conditions in the diet or due to malfunctioning of certain organs in the body .With the help of biological knowledge like medicines, surgery, and microbiology ,man has been able to keep himself healthy by adopting certain precautions or by the use of various medicines. The knowledge of biology helps us to develop better varieties of crop plants and better varieties of useful domestic animals by adopting selective breeding and hybridization techniques etc. It also help us to gain knowledge about the diseases of various domestic plants and animals and to adopt various control measures. It provides us new techniques for storing and protecting of stored grains as well as for the preservation of food. Thus the knowledge of biology enables us to get more yields from plants and animals. The knowledge of biology makes us aware about the impending dangers of deforestation, industrialization, killing of wild life and contamination of air and water with industrial wastes and sewage. It warns us about the environmental hazards caused by insanitation, disposal of town refuse and infected drinking water in cities and towns. It enables us to learn our responsibilities to society in matters of public health and community. Biology help us to develop aesthetic sense and inculcates some hobbies like nature photography, insect collecting, bird keeping, fish rearing and gardening.

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